Club Constitution

 This version of the constitution includes the amendments agreed at the 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2016 and 2019 AGMs.

Bristol Radio Control Model Aircraft Club (BRCMAC)

(Hereinafter referred to as “The Club”)


The PURPOSE OF THIS CONSTITUTION is to define the operating framework of the Club and the overarching membership rules by which members are bound. The constitution is supported by Club Rules that define matters relating to safety of operating model aircraft, applicable to all members of the Club.

  1. THE NAME OF THE CLUB is: Bristol Radio Control Model Aircraft Club.
  2. OBJECTIVES: The promotion and encouragement of the building and flying of radio-controlled model aircraft, the provision of assistance and training to the members, and the provision and maintenance of flying facilities for the members.
  3. The following definitions apply to meetings of the Club:

(a) The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall take place in December of each year and shall be the meeting at which the committee and its officers are approved, and where changes to the constitution, club rules (these shall be reviewed by the Committee each year), and financial arrangements (including the level of membership subscription) are approved. The AGM shall be minuted. The outgoing officers of the club shall retain control of the AGM and hand over will take place immediately on closure of the meeting. The outgoing Secretary shall be responsible for completing the minutes of the meeting and presenting these to the new committee.

(b) An EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING shall be held when it becomes necessary to conduct business that would normally be held at the AGM, at some other time (refer also to paragraph 11). An EGM shall be minuted.

(c) Ordinary CLUB MEETINGS shall be held as required throughout the year for the purposes of keeping members generally informed about matters related to the club. An ordinary Club meeting need not be minuted. Where a member believes that an issue should be dealt with formally, he shall advise the committee who will arrange for this to be put on the agenda of the next committee meeting.

(d) COMMITTEE MEETINGS shall be held and attended by the Officers and Committee members, in accordance with an appropriate calendar, for the purposes of maintaining the day to day running of the. Committee Meetings shall be minuted and the minutes shall be made available for inspection by any Club member, on request. Where it is considered appropriate by the committee a Club member may be invited to attend a Committee meeting.

  1. The FINANCIAL YEAR shall be from November 1st to October 31st following.
  2. The ORGANISING COMMITTEE shall consist of three officers – Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and two committee members. The committee may co-opt other members, as it sees fit. The organising committee shall be elected at the AGM, and no officer of the committee may serve in the same office for more than three consecutive years. The committee has the responsibility of upholding and applying the constitution and rules of the Club.
  3. The Club recognises the following classes of membership:

SENIOR MEMBER. An adult member (as defined by the BMFA), who pays an annual membership subscription to belong to the club (refer also to paragraph 7). A Senior Member is eligible to vote.

JUNIOR MEMBER. A younger member, as defined by the BMFA, who pays an annual membership subscription to belong to the club (refer also to paragraph 7). A Junior Member is eligible to vote.

  1. SENIOR and JUNIOR MEMBERS of the Club (as defined by the BMFA rules) must be members of the BMFA or SAA (proof of BMFA membership, obtained via another club, is acceptable), and flying membership of the club shall lapse if BMFA/SAA membership is not maintained. Members are warned that lapsed BMFA/SAA membership cancels their insurance.
  2. VISITORS[1] may fly at the club on up to three occasions, after which they must apply for membership to continue using club facilities.
  3. THE COMMITTEE shall have power to alter the Club rules, subject to ratification of the said alteration by the General Membership at the next AGM or EGM if earlier.
  4. THE TREASURER shall make an annual report on the Club’s finances and make recommendations for changes in investment policy and subscription levels, at the AGM. Such changes and subscriptions are to be approved by a simple majority at the AGM.
  5. AN EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (EGM) may be called by a majority of the Committee, or by any eligible voting member who is able to establish that he has support of at least 25% of the current eligible voting members (refer also to paragraph 14).
  6. CHANGES TO THE CONSTITUTION may only be made at the AGM or at an EGM. A ⅔ majority of eligible voting members present is required to effect a change to the Constitution. Members not able to be present at such a meeting may give written authority to any member to vote on their behalf.
  7. NOTICE OF THE AGM and any EGM must be made known to each member by E Mail to the members last known E Mail address and posted to the last known postal address for any members who do not have E Mail facilities at least three (3) weeks prior to the date of the particular meeting. It will be the members’ responsibility to ensure that the Committee is informed of the correct E Mail address and any changes to the members E Mail address. The notice must indicate the nature of the business to be transacted.
  8. QUORUM OF AGM AND EGM. At least 20% of eligible voting members of the Club must be present at an AGM or 25% at an EGM for the meeting to be recognised.
  9. CLUB CEASES TO EXIST. If at any time the Club ceases to exist, the proceeds of the Club’s assets shall be distributed, at the discretion of the Committee, either to assist in the formation of another club in the area or, if this is not viable to divide the assets between the fully paid up members at that time so long as they have a minimum of three years continuous membership. Members with a shorter history would have their Annual Subscription repaid on a Pro Rata basis.
  10. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL MONIES will become due at the AGM and must be paid as soon as possible via the BMFA/Azolve on-line membership payment system. Existing members should note that they are not covered by BMFA insurance after 31st December unless payment has been received by an Officer of the Club by that date and will not be allowed to fly without having renewed their membership. Any member not paying by the end of January will be deemed to have resigned and membership will lapse. (Subject to the discretion of the committee). NB: Members’ continued insurance with the BMFA depends on the Club remaining affiliated. The Committee may, at its discretion, operate a policy of reduced annual subscription fee where a new member joins part way through a year. This reduced subscription rate shall not apply to an existing subscribing member who fails to pay his subscription on time (i.e. before the end of January at the latest). It is a member’s own responsibility to maintain up to date contact details (email, address, phone) in the club’s on-line membership system.
  11. NEW MEMBERS JOINING the Club are accepted in good faith at the discretion of the committee, which has the right to reject an application for membership or subsequently rescind membership, as it sees fit.
  12. DISCIPLINARY ACTION may be taken against a member for persistent or serious breach of the flying rules or the terms of the constitution, particularly:

(a) Dangerous or intimidating flying. The BMFA guidelines shall be used for guidance.

(b) Breach of the club rules for the flying field and approaches (including the road and bridle way).

(c) Bringing the Club or the BMFA into disrepute.

The Committee has the right to suspend a member’s right to flying and, in extreme circumstances, to expel a member from the Club.

Where a new joining member has his membership rejected or rescinded the circumstances shall be explained to them and their Club subscription monies shall be refunded (BMFA fees are not returnable).

Disciplinary action will be in accordance with the following procedures:

  • 1 The member is to be given a verbal warning by a member of the committee in which the member is made aware of their misdemeanours and what they are reasonably required to do to make amends.
  • 2 If the member does not respond positively to this request, they are to be given a written warning from the committee to advise them of their misdemeanours and what they are reasonably required to do to make amends.
  • 3 If the member still fails to respond positively, the committee should invite the member in writing to meet with them at a previously agreed date and time to discuss the situation, advising they are considering withdrawal of their membership.
  • 4 If the member still fails to respond to reasoning the committee can advise them in writing that their membership is withdrawn, stating the reasons why this decision was reached.
  • 5 When the member is advised of withdrawal of their membership, they must be given the right of appeal. This will be to the club membership at an EGM which the committee would call on their behalf at a previously agreed date and time.  The motion to uphold the membership withdrawal or reverse it must be in accordance with the voting procedures set out within the club constitution.

In the case of gross misconduct, immediate suspension without warnings may be considered, but the members must still be accorded their rights to present their case to the committee as listed in section 3, 4 and 5 above.

  1. Members must demonstrate proof of BMFA/SAA membership as required at the flying field.
  2. ANY MATTER not covered by the foregoing shall be decided by the Committee.


[1]Excluding visitors to club events