BRCMAC Rules Voted at the EGM 2nd April 2002.
Last amended AGM 2019.
1.All members of BRCMAC who wish to fly model aircraft at the BRCMAC flying site must also be members of the BMFA or the SAA. Invited guest pilots may also fly at the BRCMAC flying site provided they have shown proof of suitable valid insurance. All persons flying at the BRCMAC flying site must follow the BMFA code of practise and the rules below.
2. Members shall observe a 20mph speed limit on the approach road and bridleway between the junction sign posted to Duckhole and the site. Cars must be parked on the hard standing at the foot of the bank, leaving the bridleway and ramp clear.
3. Any gates approaching the site shall be left as found. The gate at the entrance to our car parking area should be opened by accessing the combination lock and immediately re-scrambled. This gate may be left open during a flying session, or closed but not locked, to protect parked vehicles. At the end of a flying session this gate must be locked, ensuring the combination is scrambled.
4. Where an electric fence surrounding the flying strip is in use, it must be taken down at the start of the flying session. The last person to leave the site after the flying session shall replace the fence.
5. Frequency Control
For 35 Mhz Users
Channels should be reserved using a clothe peg or similar clearly displaying the pilot’s name and channel being used. A Pilot shall only turn on a transmitter in the pits area, and only after he/she has checked that he/she has reserved the channel.
When more than one pilot wishes to use the same channel, agreement should be reached before switching on a transmitter.
For 2.4 Ghz Users
Pilots shall affix a clothe peg or similar clearly displaying the pilots name to the top of the board prior to switching on his/ her transmitter.
For all pilots
The channel control board must be placed at the front of the pits area prior to any flying session
When leaving the site, the pilot shall ensure his/her transmitter is switched off and remove his/her peg from the board. At the end of the flying session, all remaining pegs will be cleared from the board, and the board shall be placed within the flying area fence.
6. No person (member or guest) shall fly a model unsupervised until they have passed either the BMFA Basic Proficiency Certificate for models weighing less than 1Kg or with on-board stabilisation systems, the BMFA A-certificate (or higher) or SAA equivalent for all other models. A club member who has passed the A-certificate (or higher) for aircraft type may supervise a non-certified pilot.
7. The flying site must be left clear of litter.
8. Club equipment (such as mowers) shall only be operated by club members who have been trained to operate it safely.
9. Flying is permitted between the hours of 9am and 9pm every day of the year.
10. Flying is not allowed while the landing strip is being maintained e.g. mowing or rolling grass.
11. Flying in the vicinity of the bridleway should be avoided when Animals, Vehicles or Pedestrians are passing.
12. Prolonged running / setting up of engines must take place clear of the pits and strip.
13. Pilots using a failsafe device with their radio gear shall set it up according to BMFA guidelines and must demonstrate if requested to do so.
14. All juniors are to be supervised at all times by either the Parent(s) or Guardian(s).
15. For added safety, the club only allow six models to be airborne at any given time. Flyers should check numbers prior to starting engines.
16. Helicopters and fixed wing aircraft must not fly at the same time
17. Any powered equipment being used inside the PortaKabin or caravan must be supervised at all times and not left un-attended.
18. When flying is taking place from the West side (evening side) of the strip, in general all persons should approach the pits along the West side hedge of the car park and through the compound area. Pilots transporting large models should make it known to pilots present if they will be approaching down the car park field and crossing the strip.
19. When flying is taking place, any person wishing to pass under the flight line (access to the PortaKabin, retrieving models etc.), must make it known to all pilots present who should acknowledge and take appropriate safety action.
20. All models, including electric powered models, must be restrained in the pits area before start up.